
Abstract. The problem of corruption has recently acquired a huge and well-founded relevance. It is indisputable that the democratic institutions established in the Republic of Kazakhstan are incompatible with the facts of corruption, the problems arising from them that threaten the sustainable and safe development of society. Accordingly, the democratic transformations implemented in Kazakhstan are impossible without a system that functions effectively in the fight at all levels against all manifestations of corruption. A successful anticorruption policy is impossible without fundamental shifts in public, group and individual consciousness, without serious positive corrections in the rules of behavior not only of target groups such as civil servants, but also of citizens themselves. The problem of this project is not only how to involve civil society in constructive anticorruption activities, but also how to unite the efforts of all individuals and organizations in forming an anti-corruption coalition of civil society and partnerships with authorities. The study emphasizes that the state power, having the greatest resources to counter corruption in comparison with its other elements, should create more favorable conditions for the openness and accountability of itsinstitutions to society. The project describes the main technologies aimed at activating the anticorruption potential of civil society in the field of combating corruption. The potential of the phenomenon of corruption is also reflected, its main characteristics are highlighted, the author's definition of the concept of "corruption potential" is proposed. Reproduction, dynamics and subjects of corruption potential are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the practice of using IT technology, as well as scientific and methodological methods of investigating corruption potential. Key words: corruption, civil society, digitalization, state, information technology, anticorruption policy, IT technology, monitoring, statistics, analysis, statistics, potential, activation.

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