
The article considers an applicability of the ELECTRE I method, scilicet one of the methods for developing indices of pairwise comparison in alternatives, for the decision support when managing the information resources in terms of choosing the principle providing an access to them, with due account for various information risk. It proves that such a multi-criteria decision support method is promising for the analysis and reduction of those risks, which are difficult to take into account by other methods of the decision-making and support, even in the case of merely three selection criteria with their contradictoriness, what takes place during the digitalization of the museum sphere. The ELECTRE I method is considered as a way to substantiate the choice of protective measures in terms of one of the principles of access control in relation to the digitized and newly produced copies of museum exhibits. As a possible illustrative example of its application there are three criteria that are very important for the Museum and exhibition business when choosing one of the 2 most well-known principles for the access control to both the already created and still being created digital copies with delimited access: 1) average time of the intruder penetration into an automated system of the secure information processing; 2) time for the creation and disassembly of the museum exposition, taking into account the processes of authentication and authorization; 3) the cost of creating or modernizing the information security subsystem.

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