
鬼神世界是人类社会的投影,中国传统民间信仰中冥司对人进行的善恶评判和报应,是人间道德评价的折射。但在清朝纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》的故事中,冥司的冥王、官吏有时在对人行为的对错、人品的善恶的裁定,及在此基础上进行奖惩时发生意见分歧,甚至冲突,他们也有无奈不能决的时候。这折射出在某些情境下,人间在道德选择上的困境和道德评价上的困难,从中,我们可以看到中国古代的道德难题。道德难题产生的原因是不同道德体系或同一道德体系下不同道德要求上的分歧和冲突,以及在某种情境下或在某些领域,社会在道德和道德理论方面缺乏共识。 Ghost world is a projection of human society, the evaluation and retribution for good and evil made by the Hades officials in Chinese traditional folk belief, is the refraction of human moral evaluation. But in the story of the Qing dynasty’s Notes from the Yuewei Hut written by Ji Yun, the judgment about people’s behavior and character made by the Hades officials, and therefore, the rewards and punishment on the basis of this is different, even conflict, they were there but that can’t be solved sometimes. This reflects the difficulties in moral choice and moral evaluation in some situations, from which we can see the ethical dilemmas in ancient China. Ethical dilemmas arising reasons is the difference and conflict on moral requirements which from different moral systems or the same moral system, and in some situations or in some areas, people’s in lack of consensus on moral idea and ethical theory.

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