
The purpose of the article is a comprehensive study of the professional deformation of the moral consciousness of employees of the National Police of Ukraine, which is due, first of all, to the fact that the process of professional self-determination and realization in anthropological dimension is not only one of the ways of personal development of a person, but for many – the realization of the meaning of life, whereas the change of moral the consciousness of employees in connection with the peculiarities of their professional activity transform the value orientations of the social subject as a legal person. Methodology. The pivotal methodological approach in the study is anthropological. The system-structural approach allowed to consider comprehensively the phenomenon of professional deformation of the National Police of Ukraine. Relying on research material on specific issues and summarizing the findings, it was noted that the most dangerous consequences are precisely the professional deformation of law enforcement officers, since it directly affects the morale of the individual. Morality in the scientific literature is considered as a complex phenomenon through various forms having a certain structure. First of all, objective standards of morality, which regulate social relations, which are defined differently by different authors, namely: moral requirement, moral law, ideal moral guidelines, higher moral values, moral principles, moral ideals, moral criteria, moral norms, moral rules of behavior, ethical ideas, moral necessity. The scientific novelty of this research stems from the problem of the phenomenon, as well as from the purpose, which is closely related to the proposed approaches, methodology and tasks, which reflect the value basis of the research. The authors say that the most prone to deformation are representatives of the following professions: law enforcement, military, leaders, deputies, officials, social workers, lawyers, educators, physicians, salespeople, psychologists. When it comes to the deformation of the moral consciousness and professional justice of law enforcement officers, most often they refer to the negative phenomena, traits that are formed spontaneously or consciously by some representatives of this professional group contrary to social, state requirements, standards of professional activity and behavior. Naturally, they are hidden, but express a new setting of individual value consciousness and are realized in behavior, actions in the absence of external control. Such guidelines and actions may be of a socially undesirable, inadmissible or dangerous, unlawful nature. This study focuses on structuring and conducting a comprehensive analysis of the factors and factors that lead to the professional deformation of National Police officers, as well as providing recommendations on the results of the work done, with the aim of preventing and preventing professional deformation of law enforcement officers. Conclusions. After analyzing the available information on a number of certain violations and checking statistics on such events, it was concluded that the violations of the law, as a rule, are a result of professional and moral deformation of individual employees of the National Police of Ukraine, lack of effective control mechanism and demand from some leaders, low level of organization of educational work, moral and psychological preparation and training of personnel. In preparation of the program of prevention of professional deformation of employees of the National Police of Ukraine, it is advisable, first of all, to improve the normative and legal bases of the functioning of law enforcement agencies, the order of service of different categories of employees; to envisage amendments to the existing acts, and, secondly, to provide for measures within the existing legal framework with a focus on the grassroots. Keywords: anthropology of law; professional deformation; moral consciousness; National Police of Ukraine; moral standards and principles; professional ethics.

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