
Abstract. In human life, even in practice, solids play an important role. Metals, dielectrics, electrical engineering, semiconductors, electrons, magnets, conductors lying close to each other are all solids. It can be argued that the basis for the foundation of scientific and technological progress is a solid body. But in their study, not only practical activity mattered. For its subsystems of development, solid state physics has opened a scientific path to understanding the properties of importance. all materials used in engineering are divided into three groups: conductors, semiconductors and dielectrics. These materials differ in the magnitude of electrical resistance, the nature of its changes during heating and the type of conductivity.The electrical resistivity of the conductors is in the range of 10-6 + 10-3 oms • cm and is used as a material with a small intermediate electrical resistance for resistance elements, heating elements, contacts, etc. for conducting constant and rotational currents. Electrical resistivity of semiconductors 10-3+10+10 Om* is within cm and decreases when heated. They are used for rectification, amplification, conversion of various types of energy into electricity. Electrical resistivity of dielectrics 10+10+10+18 Oms* are within cm, they are used as insulators. The conductivity of solids is determined primarily by the electronic structure. In solids, as a result of the interaction of the electromagnetic field of atoms, energy electronic sublevels are classified with the formation of an energy zone [1]. With the transition to a higher energy, the width of the zone of permissible sublevels increases, and the zones intersect. When approaching the distance between atoms Forbidden energy zones even disappear. The density of the zones filled with electrons and their crosslinking determine the electrical conductivity of solids. Keywords: dielectric, composition, automation, electronics, radio engineering, aerospace, rocket, electrical, conductor.

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