
The correction ideology for criminals transferred from managerial, educational penalty to correctional welfare ideology and there is a religious correction welfare of it christianity has been the most active in religious correction for inmates since liberation and christianity correction welfare now was equipped with sufficient human and physical infra and specialized, organized and systematized. But, until 2000, Buddhism correctional welfare had a strong tendency to personalize, localize and substructure. With the launch of the Buddhism missionary croup in 2000 and the launch of the Jogye order special missionary group for criminals, Buddhism correction welfare begen to be organized, systematized, networked but there have been still diverse problems in terms of human, physical, organizational, legal, and program aspect. Therefore, existing studies have been made to improve diverse problems of Buddhism correction welfare but they lacked a holistic approach because they was mainly approached by human and program despite their contribution. Therefore, I asserted improvement plans of buddhism correction welfare in terms of legal, subject, administration and practice in the macro, interdisciplinary aspect which they passed over, including the micro aspect. In conclusion, I asserted in an original the necessity of a prison monk system, a specialized Buddhist correction missionary, AI prison Buddhism volunteer so as in addition to the micro aspects of human resources and program improvement to improve Buddhism correctional welfare.

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