
Digitization of the financial services market leads to increased interest of the regulator in the use of innovative digital technologies (cloud computing, blockchain, big data, artificial intelligence, ma-chine learning, etc.) in its activities. RegTech (regulatory technologies) offers significant advantages to organizations in terms of optimizing compliance processes and managing regulatory risks, helps moni-tor and timely take into account changes in current legislation. The main prerequisites for the emergence and development of such technologies are the constant complication of the regulatory field, its high dynamism, as well as the active dissemination of the achievements of scientific and technical progress. The purpose of the article is to analyze the key modern trends in the regulation of the activities of finan-cial institutions in the field of information technology implementation. The conducted research made it possible to single out the following trends: increased attention to data privacy and security; strengthen-ing cybersecurity requirements for financial institutions to protect against data leaks and cyber attacks; development by regulators of a regulatory framework for the regulation of cryptocurrencies and digital assets; research by regulators of ways to manage algorithms of artificial intelligence and machine learn-ing in the work of financial institutions; development by the regulator of recommendations and instruc-tions on the use of cloud computing; introduction of regulatory sandbox regimes in territories for testing new digital financial services in a controlled regulatory environment; ensuring consistent supervision of global financial institutions; deepening of requirements for the protection of consumer rights, etc. The authors come to the conclusion that despite some problems and difficulties in the introduction and use of regulatory technologies, they remain quite relevant and are in high demand on the market. Among the primary tasks facing developers of RegTech solutions, it is worth highlighting the solution to the problems of protecting the confidential data of clients of financial institutions, as well as increasing the transparency of their activities

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