
Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies (Saccos) in Kenya have realised a tremendous growth in the subsector and are investing huge amount of their scarce financial resources in digital technology to enhance services delivery and offer a wide variety of products and services range, increased membership mobilisation and size, ensure better structure and effective financial performance. Digital financial Services as used in the Saccos industry is as a result of Information Communication Technology revolution commonly referred to as digital commerce. Many Saccos are steadily changing from manual banking system of operations to providing digital Financial (e-banking) services that include internet banking, M-banking and Automated Teller machine support. The adoption of digital financial Services by the Saccos is a strategic attempt to deal with increased cut throat competition from traditional banking institutions and non-banking financial institutions, to cut costs and add value to their services in order to optimise benefits to the shareholders. Despite the fact that Saccos have rapidly adopted digital financial services to provide services, and that they drive a huge section of the financial sector savings of the economy, they have experienced various challenges such as uncertainty and risk due to digital financial services. The study sought to establish the influence of digital financial services on the financial performance of SACCOs in Kakamega County, Kenya. The specific objectives was to determine the effect of the mobile banking, internet banking, use of credit cards and digital funds transfer on the financial performance of SACCOs in Kakamega County, Kenya. The research was guided by three theories of innovation and technology: Diffusion of Innovation Theory, The Theory of Task-Technology Fit Theory and the Technological context, Organisational context and Environmental context Theory.The study used a descriptive research design. The population of study were staff at the three SACCOs operating in Kakamega County. This consisted of 162 respondents who are the staff of the SACCOs. A sample of 49 respondents was taken which forms 30% of the target population which shall be evenly spread across the three SACCOs. The primary data was collected by use of self-administered semi-structured questionnaire.Collected data was analysed through descriptive and inferential statistics by the use of SPSS. Findings were presented by use of tables, frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation.The study found that the financial performance of the SACCOs was significantly influenced by the digital financial services instituted by the SACCO managements. They demonstrated to have reliable mobile banking system where most of their customers had enrolled on the mobile banking platform and most of customer queries and updates were sorted via the mobile platform.Given the limitations and findings of this study, the researcher recommends that since there exists a positive relationship between digital financial services and bank performance and that e-banking has brought services closer to bank customer’s hence improving banking industry performance, SACCOs must also enhance the dynamics of the sector and embrace digital banking fully and extensively. Mobile banking faces various challenges among them being, system delays by the mobile money transfer service providers, slow processing of transactions, high transactions costs, limit on the amount of money that can be withdrawn in a day and fraud.

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