
“一带一路”伟大倡议,尤其是21世纪海上丝绸之路,为中欧海洋合作开启了伟大历史机遇。中欧在海洋观、海洋政策和维护海上安全等方面具有广泛的共通性、共同性与共同利益,海洋合作完全可以成为中欧合作的新亮点。中欧将各自海洋发展战略对接,共同致力于维护海上通道安全,将“中欧合作2020战略规划”予以落实;条件成熟时可共同创立“海上合作组织”,致力海上秩序的共同维护,打造亚非欧合作的新版本。双边与多边协调推进,政策与理念相得益彰,有效管控分歧,成为中欧海上丝路合作的可行途径。 The new Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (OBOR) is a historic opportunity for further Sino-EU maritime cooperation, as both sides have much to share and more to build in terms of vision, policies, and security, making it possible for a new line in the already-thriving exchanges across the continent. The two sides will carry on the China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation with fusion of maritime strategies and joint efforts for safer sea passage, and may proceed to a Maritime Cooperative Organization (MCO) when needed to build not only a participative maritime order, but also next-gen cooperation between Asia, Africa, and Europe. Yet this still needs a well-assorted toolset of bi- and multilateral cooperation backed by strong policy and theory, to boost consensus and action by management of differences.

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