
Department of Environmental Science, D ongnam Health Coll ege, KoreaDepartment of Chemistry, Sc hool of Advanced S cience, Dankook University, Cheonan 330-714, Korea(Received January 17 2 005) . MK(mne) idki   retinoic acid    ! heparin #$ % ( &' . MK &) *+, 11q11.2  -.$/ 01! &23 3 4 62 45 *6 '7 # G/T transversion ' %89 :; ? 1@ %8 A B/ CD   EF 75 GH H  I JK L MN EF 75 GO N1@ DNA O PQ$/ PCR R1@ ST$U RFLP D V W 6XR DHPLCR1@ Y *6 7 ( ZQ$[( . 75 G %8 EF9 21 G (28%), 75 G MN EF9 5G (6.7%)  G /T genoty pe ' RFL P- W R 6X RFLP-size based DHPLC R ]^9 ZQ<=( . MK  62 45 *6 G /T tranversion ' %8 X_ `. &a b&$[/ W 6XR cDHPLC R1@ ZQ$ dR' Me M f.g h/   <i 0i j m& kl Ma ( b&$[ . : MK(mkdne) ii  , 8 % , RFLP- W XR 6 , DHPLC, nop'ABSTRACT. Midkine (MK) is a heparin-binding grow th factor specif ied by retinoic acid responsive gene. It play s animportant role in development and carcinogenesis. The MK gene is located on chrom osom e 11q11.2 in hum an. A het-erozy gous G to transversion at the 62nd base in intron 3 of this gene has been in sporadic colorectal cancer. To clarif yw hether this poly m orphism is associated w ith a cancer risk, a case-control study w as conducted. We examined 75 col-orectal cancer tissue specim ens and 75 unaff ected control specim ens. Using RFLP and DHPL C, w e identified that theG T tro t anverss wionect deatsed 7 (2%) cn5 2 i81 olorecat cl ancer sam ples and 5 in 75 (6.7%) no rmal samle. Thperefore,tihs genoty pe could represent a rsik focrolor ectal cance in Kr ore Ran.FLP-DHPLC an alysis is me ef tcienrfiot han RFLP-gel electrophoresis analy sis, because DHPLC is not so tim e-consuming, technically easy, highly sensitive, and has theadvantage of automation.Kords:ewy r t c e l l E Ge - LP F R , cer n Ca al ect r o l o C , e n Ge ) e n ki (midMK on ti Muta , C L P H D is, s ophore

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