
Since the tourism sphere is the most dynamic branch of the world economy, it is constantly developing, theoretical approaches to the understanding of tourist concepts change accordingly, new scientific categories appear that define new tourist trends or mark new types of tourist services. That is why it is important to review the existing theoretical foundations of the study of the essence of the concept of the tourist market, its types and its structure in terms of their relevance and correspondence to the realities of the time. Such studies are essential for obtaining objective information about market processes. The study of various aspects of the market of tourist services and their features in the transformational economy was reflected in the works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists. However, there is no single approach to the interpretation of the concept of "tourist market", which is due to both the relative novelty of the concept (the first attempts to interpret the concept were formed only in the 70s of the XX century), and the very different approaches of scientists. In order to compare various definitions of the concept of the tourist market, the main points of view of domestic and foreign scientists are presented in chronological order. Several variants of the classification of tourist markets are described, in particular by Malska M. P., who classifies tourist markets by territorial affiliation, a sign of relation to the national territory, a sign of the direction of movement, the degree of concentration of production and sales, the ratio between demand and supply, and Lyubitseva O. O. according to such characteristics as the level of socio-economic development, the formation of market structures, the level of development of the tourism industry, participation in the world tourism process, the nature of export-import tourism relations. The tourist market is extensive and internally complex, which actualizes the problem of researching its internal structure. It is noted that it is expedient to divide the general tourist market into sub-markets of tourist goods, tourist services, and the market of conditions and facilities for tourism.

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