
Based on the reflection of the traditional type of global organization of the universal exchange of activities, the authors justify the need for its fundamental restructuring. The point is that the doctrine of the new ontology enriches the philosophical doctrine of being of a new role of the anthropic factor; the latter turns out to be a resource for generating a type of reality unknown to the previous epochs of ancestral history – a being-transformer project opened in the field. The total replacement of the fusis-techne, which has its beginning “in itself”, with the beginning “in another” actualizes the problem of fabricator mundi competencies, which cannot be solved automatically. To what extent is the natural correspondent to the artificial? How much correspondingly natural to artificial? How consistent are the “first” and “second” natures? Without going into the assessment of the views belonging to history, the authors are concerned with the fundamental question: are there unitary principles of creation of not man-made and man-made matter? As shown in the article, there are such principles, and these are the laws of harmony, symmetry, harmony, proportionality, that is beauty. Beauty in the “first” and “second” nature is an indicator of the quality of the form-building process, which is a guarantor of the perfection of the manufactured product.

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