
The article represents the analysis of the dynamics of development of the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (SSUGiT) – one of the main centers of domestic geodetic education and science and the only one with this profile in the Siberian macroregion. The university was founded in the 1930s. in Omsk, in 1939 it was named the Novosibirsk Institute of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography (NIIGAiK), worked effectively and made a significant contribution to geodetic science and practice, professional education and the provision of qualified personnel for a wide range of needs of the country. In 1983, in connection with the 50-th anniversary and for merits in the training of personnel, achievements in the development of science and education, it was award-ed the Order of the Badge of Honor. In 1994, the university received the status and a new name - the Siberian State Geodetic Academy (SSGA), and in December 2014 it became the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (SGUGiT), retaining the main "geodesic" content and at the same time emphasizing in in its name, the actual concepts of "geosystem" and "technology". The mission of the SGUGiT was formulated based on the national goals and strategic objectives of Russia's development, including the rapid development and effective use of the country's scientific and technological potential by professional personnel, the introduction of adaptive, practice-oriented educational programs, self-realization and development of students' talents, meeting the needs of the state highly qualified personnel. The strategic goal of the university is its development as a scientific, educational, consulting and design university capable of successfully competing in the labor market, ideas and innovative products. To achieve this goal, the university staff successfully solves a set of tasks to achieve the proper competitiveness of domestic education, the formation of a digital transformation methodology and the “Digital University” model; development of project work of students and their involvement, as well as graduate students, in scientific research, the implementation of research and educational projects. The success of the complete solution of these problems is evidenced by the entire 90-year histo-ry of SGUGiT, whose modern team of many thousands works daily and steadily to implement their plans, develop an advanced scientific, educational, and production cluster, proper interaction with production and scientific institutions in the business of solving innovative problems, training a decent level of personnel and ensuring the economic well-being of the university.

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