
Purpose. Analysis of the scientific achievements of scientists-geographers who have left a significant mark in the development of domestic and world scientific thought, due to the need to determine its historical formation and identify future vectors of development. That is why the purpose of our article is to present the results of the study of the scientific heritage of Professor Alexander Zupan, as an outstanding scientist in the field of geography. Methods. The study was conducted on the basis of an analysis of available literature sources on this topic, as well as the works of scientists in the field of geography and partly in the field of history. In particular, the article used such methods of geographical research as analysis, historical and literary. Results. The article highlights the life of Alexander Zupan - a famous geographer of the Austrian period, who worked not only in Austria, Germany, Slovenia but also in Ukraine, namely in Chernivtsi. During his life, Alexander Zupan went from teacher to professor, making a significant contribution to the development of physical, social and political geography, climatology, as well as the development of school geographical education. In total, his scientific achievements include more than 30 works. Much of the work has been republished several times. The scientific works "Fundamentals of Physical Geography", "Textbook of Geography on the Principles of Modern Science for Austrian Secondary Schools", "Wind Statistics in the Lower Troposphere" and others deserve special attention. For his scientific contribution he was awarded the scientific prize of the German Academy of Naturalists "Leopoldin" "Medal of Kotenius". The main scientific ideas of the scientist date back to the period of work as the editor of the famous geographical journal "Petermanns Mitteilungen". But it is also worth noting that it was Zupan who introduced branch geographical courses in physical geography, orography, geographical morphology, climatology, oceanology, ethnology, regional courses in European geography, and others at Chernivtsi University. Scientific novelty. For the first time in Ukraine, we conducted a detailed analysis of the scientific heritage and life of Professor Oleksandr Zupan, because his figure is little studied in Ukrainian geographical science. The рractical significance. Analysis of the scientific achievements of geographers allows to deepen knowledge of the theory of Ukrainian geography and assess their contribution to the development of important areas of geographical science. Knowledge of Alexander Zupan's scientific work is important from the point of view of using his main ideas in modern theoretical and scientific-practical research.

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