
Goal of the study is to improve the laboratory management system. The substantiation of principles classification and assessment of risks are carried out. The mind-activity methodology is used. To achieve the goal it is necessary to determine the source of risk, assess a scale of selected risk impact, establish reference (control) points, assess the risk, develop and implement corrective actions. Research methods. The mind-activity methodology is the basic method for research. Application to the risk management process of testing laboratory activities. The results of the study. The levels of the hierarchy are determined by the level of consequences (low, high, medium) from the onset of a negative situation. The phases are determined by the type (category) of risk by the stage of its determination. Forecasted risks are determined by the method of forecasting for a certain future period of time (for example, the next calendar year). In fact, identified are risks that have been identified and are aimed at the short-term perspective of their emergence. Not detected - risks remain identified and arise from the implementation of inappropriate preventive measures. These risks are stipulated by the uncertainty of the input information in the analysis of risks and the inadequacy of measures to eliminate possible negative consequences. The proposed risk classification system makes it possible to compile a “risk profile” of the laboratory. The "Risk-Profile" of a laboratory is a conditional indicator that characterizes the laboratory's ability to possibly provide unreliable test results. Conclusions. The mind-activity methodology was used. Principles, classification and risk assessment method have been developed for the testing laboratory. This made it possible to establish the relationship between the level of risk, its source and the period of exposure, as well as to identify the most vulnerable elements of the management system at a given time and to find ways to improve and search for opportunities. The scientific value of the study lies in the substantiation of the principles classification and method of risk assessment of the testing laboratory. The practical value of the study lies in the possibility of forming a "risk profile" of the laboratory, provides objective information about the current state of the laboratory management system and indicates possible ways of improvement.

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