
This article describes the use of paremias. The study of proverbs when using them as a means in everyday life, the interpretation of the semantic-logical integrity is important. Because these noble words, generous in thought, are a national treasure. At thepresent time, due to a misunderstanding of the depth of the philosophical meanings of these valuable thoughts, our people may be allowed to be forgotten them. Thus, the interpretation of the meanings of proverbs and sayings, which form the basis of proverbs, are analyzed and shown as widely used in the daily life of the people, in culture, and were interpreted in various contexts. A scientific study was carried out on the importance of the role of paremic proverbs: the relative preservation of the structure of words during transmission from generation to generation; use as the main source of public education. This article can be used in the scientific works of students, undergraduates studying in a direction philology and pedogogy.

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