
Relevance. The active introduction of digital technologies increases competition in the labor market, increasing the requirements for employees and employers, their professional competencies. The use of Internet resources and digital technologies provides ample opportunities in the process of activity, but with all the advantages, there are also disadvantages concerning the risks of social and labor relations that require research on remote employment. The purpose is to identify the problems, more precisely, advantages and disadvantages associated with new forms of employment caused by the transformation of the economic system on the basis of the conducted research. Objectives: To analyze the modernization of employment in the conditions of the current economic situation, to study the factors of the development of the remote form of employment of the labor market, to consider the policy in the field of non-standard employment, as well as the mechanisms of its regulation. Methodology: content analysis of leading specialists and the legislative framework in the field of employment, systematic and logical analysis, processing and description of the research results. Results. The article studies the development of non-standard forms of employment, considers changes in labor legislation, problems that characterize social and labor relations, methods of organizing remote labor. A comparative analysis of the transformation of employment of the population, including the problems of social and labor relations, is given. Conclusions. In the process of globalization of the economic system that is at a transformational stage of development, when we are witnessing the transition to post-industrialism, informatization and globalization, the formation of a unified world information and communication system using Internet resources, the content of work that requires in – depth analysis and study is radically changing.

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