
Beautiful, healthy teeth shining with healthy whiteness are an aspect of external attractiveness, success in other areas of life. Teeth whitening is a conservative method of aesthetic dentistry. A snow-white smile has taken a strong position in the beauty industry. However, the most common side effect of whitening is tooth hyperesthesia. Of the 150 patients surveyed, 132 people (88%) resorted to teeth whitening in their lives and only 18 people are categorically against teeth whitening. 59 people (45%) out of 132 teeth whitening patients regularly visit a dentist for professional whitening and selection of home whitening methods, the Phillips Zoom home whitening system. However, there is a category of patients - 73 people (55%) do not go to dental clinics, but use certain methods of home whitening on their own. Most often, they buy Crest whitening strips at the pharmacy, use apple cider vinegar, citric acid, or brush their teeth using ground birch (activated) charcoal. Of these 73 people, fifteen had tooth enamel hyperesthesia after brushing their teeth with birch (activated) charcoal. Therefore, despite the wide range of bleaching agents in the arsenal of a dentist, it seems necessary to develop, test and implement tools and methods for a quick, gentle and financially inexpensive way to whiten teeth. We have proposed an Eco-whitening complex of teeth, consisting of: Molasses, Silicon Dioxide, Sorbitol and White Wax / Gelatin. Eco-whitening complex is presented in the form of a sticker or chewing gum. Preliminary results of using the developed Eco-whitening complex of teeth showed that it does not harm health and the environment (does not require disposal). The teeth of 70% of the subjects, with the time of using this composition, whitened by two tones, the sensitivity did not increase, the tooth enamel was without mechanical damage. The use of the complex does not require adherence to the "white diet". The effectiveness of the developed Eco-whitening complex of teeth has been confirmed. It is easy to use, but not without drawbacks, requires storage in the refrigerator and the shelf life does not exceed 7 days. It is necessary to continue work on the improvement of the Eco-whitening complex of teeth to eliminate the identified shortcomings.

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