
The article is devoted to the analysis of dіfferent translations of Taras Shevchenko "Testament" and National French Himn Marseillaise. Two value systems and specific psycholects of nostalgia, aggression, peace are examined. The aim of the article is to define the main psycholects in Taras Shevchenco poems, particularly in "Testament". In result of the comparison methods of several translations of "Testament" we have obtained three important psycholect of nostalgia, aggression and peace. All spheres use the concept of "love" and "mother country". The first and the second quatrains of "Testament" contain the invincible, calm, tranquil grandeur and beauty of the peace-loving country. Both quatrains are based on the psycholect nostalgia. The third and the fourth quatrains are the most discussed but they impresse everybody with their optimism, future of Ukraine, belief, victory, liberty. In the fifth quatrain the poet calls Ukrainians to revolt and to win the liberty. The psycholect of this quatrain ensures the riot and the victory. This is the psycholect of aggression. The sixth quatrain describes the future of Ukraine. The poet asks to recollect him in the new society, in the new, big and free family. The psycholect of peas ensures the ideal calm in the society of free people. The conceptosphere of the first and the second quatrains of "Testament" is founded on nostalgia's concept "Love" and "Mother country". Lexical means, grammatical structure of phrases, phonetic phenomenos and prosody provide with intellectual, logical and emotional expression of feelings in the poet's psycholect who was sick and took leave of the life and said good-bye to the Ukrainian people. Concepts of the third and the fourth quatrains are God and Liberty. Marseillaise has the same idea of the fight and the victory. The fifth quatrain follow the main concept of the struggle. Slogans of this quatrain coincide with appeals of Marseillaise: bury, rise, tear asunder chains, stain the freedom with blood. The image of enemy's blood on "Testament" corresponds to impure blood of Marseillaise. The interrogatory of students and teachers witnesses the main concept of "Testament" (95 per cent). This is "Freedom". The second concept is "Religion" (God. Pray) – 86 per cent. The third concept is "Motherland" – (toponyms: Ukraine, Dnipro) – 80 %. Strangers consider the main idea of "Testament" in the last quatrain. Ukrainian respondents consider more important adjectives about Family: free (45 per cent), new (41 per cent), big (14 per cent). Important lines of Testament are the following: Tear chairs – 23 per cent. Bury and revolt – 19 per cent. Don't forget to speak well – 19 per cent. Pray – 15 per cent. Enemy's wicked blood – 5 per cent. Testament of Taras Shevchenko is just the second national himn of Ukraine or Ukrainian Marseillaise. It is constructed on three psycholects: nostalgia, aggression and peace. The general harmony of this poem is attained by well–balance between aggression and peace. Keywords:psycholect; nostalgia; aggression; peace; concept.

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