
Koblanov Zholaman Taubayevich Department of "Kazakh Philology", acting professor, candidate of philological sciences Caspian University of Technology and Engineering. Sh. Esenova, Aktau, Kazakhstan Karimsakova Baktigul Abdimukhanovna Department of «Kazakh Philology», acting associate professor, candidate of philological sciences, Caspian University of Technology and Engineering. Sh. Esenova, Aktau, Kazakhstan THE IMAGE OF MAKHAMBET IN THE LYRICS OF POETS Abstract. This article discusses the poetic works of many poets about the legendary Makhambet, whose life and work is of great value to our history, as a fiery fighter for the freedom of his native land and his people, and as a poet and famous akyn-improviser, who struck the listener with sharpness and passion , wisdom and humanity of the sounding word, which left a bright mark in the national culture. The art of Makhambet is a popular theme in poetry, and many poets dedicated poems to the hero, glorifying the heroism and spirit of the great poet. The courage and heroism of Makhambet is depicted in the works of poets. In their lyrical poems, they skillfully sang the image of the great poet and fighter through the rational use of the best artistic alternative images - images that show the height, intelligence, eloquence, sharpness, individuality, grandeur, depth of Makhambet's poetry. Lyrics in the art of the artistic word is a special genre that leads the poet to the innermost feelings, to the abyss of subtle thoughts. The works in this genre are not limited only to the manifestation of the individuality of the individual, the reflection of the characteristics of each poet in cognition, feeling of the world. At the same time, they allow us to determine the epochal nature of the path of genre changes, growth, prosperity, decline of lyrics in the process of literary development as a whole. The article is devoted to the problem of continuity of traditions in Kazakh poetry, including as a poetic tradition of the militant poet Makhambet Utemisuly, who has passed through the centuries and has reached our days. The manifestations of intertwining literary traditions in the national literature were considered. Key words: Makhambet, poet, hero, historical figure, Kazakh poetry, valor, heroism, kazakh literature, continuity of traditions, zhyrau school, innovation, poetry, poet, national spirit.

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