
The article considers a set of terms used in management to reflect a management approach based on the general theory of processes. Ukrainian scientists use the terms "process" and "business process" interchangeably in scientific research on this topic. Taking into account the existing proposals regarding the delimitation of the above, it is proposed to understand business processes as a type of processes that should be separated to denote processes that result in economic values and social effects and that collectively reflect the economic activity of the business entity. Business processes are divided to reflect the system of processes occurring in the enterprise as objects of different levels of management. It is proposed to differentiate the terms depending on the level of the management object. The term "process approach to management" or "process-oriented approach to management" is used to denote the approach to enterprise management. A key feature of this approach is the use of the term "process" to reflect the entire set of processes occurring at the enterprise. This approach extends not only to the display of the management object as a set of processes ("process management"). On the basis of systems theory, it is also possible to structure the management system itself, that is, management influence. In this case, it is appropriate to talk about "process-structured management". At the same time, the smallest object of management in the process approach to management should be considered a specific process of a certain orientation. The term "process management" or, more often, "business process management" is used to denote management activities related to it. To use a managerial approach, it is important to be aware of the relationship between the terms "project" and "process". Projects can and should be used within process, functional, situational or system approaches. Their feature is that they should be used to solve important, but one-time unique tasks. At the same time, it is incorrect and inappropriate to consider the business process as a component of a certain project impractical.

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