
The company's ability to offer competitive products to the market on time is a key success factor, and more and more modern Russian managers are successfully implementing integrated approaches to the formation and management of competitiveness at all stages of the life cycle. However, at the moment, both in business practice and in the economic literature, there is no single approach to the definition of the concept of "competitiveness", a single methodology for evaluation has not been developed. The conducted content analysis allowed us to identify the unconditional properties of competitive products – the ability to surpass the competitor's products in terms of price and nonprice parameters and simultaneously meet the leading and currently relevant consumer needs at each stage of the product life cycle. When implementing the competitiveness assessment procedure, it is necessary to pay attention to the regulation of all the main stages, depending on the objectives of the assessment. Taking into account the characteristics of the product, the researcher needs to solve a number of ambiguous questions: to form a base for comparison, to choose the comparison parameters, and the evaluation method. The article identifies the risks that can distort the results of the study, highlights the key shortcomings of the most common assessment methods. As promising methods, the author suggests adapting the method of analyzing hierarchies, functionalcost analysis, and structuring quality functions.

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