
Goal of the study. Assessment of the possibility of optimizing tractor control by methods of automatic search for the optimum point. To achieve this goal, you must complete the following tasks: – to analyze the operating conditions of the tractor unit with the determination of the force factors affecting its operating conditions; – to develop a scheme and algorithm for the operation of the extreme regulator and analyze its functioning. Research methods. Analytical studies are based on methods of optimization of power factors acting on a tractor. The results of the study. An automatic regulator is considered, which provides an optimal ratio of the engine speed and the transmission gear ratio for each speed. The logic device generates a signal to change the power train ratio. The required travel speed of the tractor unit is set by the operator using the speed regulator. Changing the gear ratio changes the speed of the tractor. The signal of the deviation of the speed of movement, after amplification, provides an effect on the fuel supply and, by changing the revolutions of the crankshaft of the engine, brings the actual speed of the tractor to the set one. In the control system, the measurement of the amount of fuel consumed by the engine is carried out by a flow meter, and the measurement is carried out at certain intervals, and the current value is compared with the previous one. Reducing fuel consumption means that the influence on the change in gear ratio has been chosen in the right direction. Conclusions. The paper proposes a self-adjusting system. In a theoretical study of the possibility of optimal control of the tractor movement, equations are determined that are easily solved by the graphical analytical method. The graphical plotting determines the time the system reaches the optimal mode. The considered example of regulation of the power drive and the tractor engine does not exhaust the scope of application of self-adjusting systems. The operating modes of a number of units, as well as some interrelationships of design parameters, have static characteristics that ensure widespread use of these systems.


  • Analytical studies are based on methods of optimization

  • of power factors acting on a tractor

  • which provides an optimal ratio of the engine speed

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Випуск і технологій для сільського господарства України
Technical and technological aspects of development and testing of new machinery
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