
Purpose: Competition is perceived negatively in schools nowadays. However, competition also hasthe potential to be effectively applied to learning. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to shednew light on competition from an educational point of view, and to present the possibility for positiveuse of competition in schools. Methods: Through literature reviews related to competition, the perspective on competition in education,the educational effect of competition, and the educational approach to competition were presented. Results: First, the perspective on competition in education can be divided into competition in thesystem and competition as a learning method. Second, competition has various advantages such asmotivation, easy social adaptation, and improvement in academic performance. Third, the conceptsof Constructive competition and Coopetition can be applied to utilize competition educationally. Conclusion: An delicate approach is needed to reduce the side effects and maximize the benefitsof competition. The concepts of Constructive competition and Coopetition suggest the possibility ofusing competition positively. If a teaching method using these concepts is devised, it is expectedthat it will be useful in schools.

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