
The article presents strategic project management methodology developed to meet the relevant requirements and challenges faced by organizations in current business environment. The methodology includes an algo-rithm for strategic project management, a system of indicators for assessing the results of project implementa-tion and a mathematical model for optimal resource allocation. The relevance of the methodology develop-ment is determined by the importance of strategic project management in current conditions of instability, un-certainty and innovations implementation necessity. It enables organizations to effectively plan, analyze, moni-tor and coordinate project activities to achieve their overall strategic objectives. The study also provides an ex-tended list of prospective project management principles, which served as the basis for the development of an algorithm and a system of indicators for evaluating the results of such activities. The latter are categorized into groups, including assessment of the achievement of strategic objectives, the quality of task performance, the use of resources and the level of risks. The mathematical model for optimal resource allocation enables effi-cient resource management in projects, taking into account requirements and limitations. The said model is based on minimizing the use of available capacity while meeting the availability restrictions for each project task.

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