
This article presents the results of a study on the use of the latest virtual marketing tools in communications. Virtual marketing and virtual markets are currently evolving, adapting rapidly to continuous technological change. The problem is topical and very interesting for economic science. The main body of the article reveals the characteristics of the application of new virtual marketing tools in communications. The advantages of modern virtual marketing are highlighted. They manifest themselves in the fact that virtual organisations take an active part. For them, the boundaries between its participants, resources and offices are open due to intensive information links. In order to avoid incorrect reading of the article's content, modern interpretations in understanding of the article's material have been clarified and modern content of the concepts used in the article, have been disclosed in the author's presentation. The essence and content of virtual marketing is considered. Several interpretations of the essence of this concept are applied: in the narrow sense, in the broad sense, the former definitions of marketing. The advantages of using virtual marketing in comparison with marketing based on traditional technologies are determined. The main goals and objectives, strategies of virtual marketing in virtual markets in communications are formulated. Scientific novelty and originality of the material of the article lies in the fact that it is revealed in a new way virtually unexplored aspects of marketers' use of virtual marketing tools. With practical implementation of the proposals presented in the article, it is possible to achieve harmony of interests between marketers of virtual products and all other participants in the system of modern virtual markets in communications. Further research may focus on detailed elaboration of the developed proposals and recommendations for their practical application. The use of the scientific materials presented in the article may allow other scientists to study various aspects of marketing activities on virtual markets in communications.

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