
Food Industry Research Institute, Jeonju UniversityAbstract High voltage pulsed electric fields (PEF) treatment is one of the more promising nonthermal technologies tofully or partially replace thermal processing. The objective of this research was to investigate the microbial inactivationmechanisms of PEF treatment in terms of intra- and extracellular changes in the cells. Saccharomyces cerevisae cellstreated with PEF showed cellular membrane damage. This resulted in the leakage of UV-absorbing materials andintracelluar ions, which increased with increasing treatment time and electric fields strength. This indicates that PEFtreatment causes cell death via membrane damage and physical rupture of cell walls. We further confirmed this byPhloxine B staining, a dye that accumulates in dead cells. Using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, weobserved morphological changes as well as disrupted cytoplasmic membranes in PEF treated S. cerevisae cells. In addition,PEF treatment led to damaged chromosomal DNA in S. cerevisiae.Keywords: high voltage pulsed electric fields, inactivation mechanism, nonthermal technology, Saccharomyces cerevisia,chromosomal DNA

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