
In the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia, a comparative study of seed productivity, flowering features, fruit and seed morphology, pollen fertilization ability was conducted for the first time in representatives of the Hosta Tratt genus: H. decorata, H. sieboldiana, H. lancifolia, H. albomarginata, H. crispula, H. kikutii, H. montana, H. rectifolia, H. undulata and varieties Golden Tiara, Night before Christmas, and Stiletto. It is noted that the reproductive potential and fertility of pollen in 9 species and 3 varieties of host have intraspecific and varietal specificity and are associated with seasonal weather conditions. The results of free pollination of the host were studied. It was found that fruit formation within a single generative shoot is heterogeneous, with the exception of the species H. decorata. The coefficient of productivity of species is 16—93%, varieties 12.5—36.4%. Morphometric indicators of length of generative shoots, fruits and seeds are presented. It is shown that the fruit is a freely opening loculicidal tricuspid capsule. Seeds are linear to oval in shape. It was revealed that with high viability of pollen grains (46—82.6%) in H. albomarginata, H. rectifolia, H. sieboldiana, the productivity coefficient is 2—3.8 times lower than in H. decorata. The flowers are characterized by geitonogamy with the phenomenon of peterandre, chasmogamous pollination and flowering in acropetal direction. H. decorata has a high adaptive advantage of seed productivity. The studied species and varieties consistently pass all the phenophases of development and are characterized by vitality. The growing season from spring growth to fruiting in Novosibirsk is 98—112 days. The reproductive capabilities of the host during introduction in the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia are realized partly due to seed reproduction and are distinguished by species and variability.

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