The article presents the results of the assessment of the current state of populations, morphological, biochem- ical and form diversity of Hippophae rhamnoides L. in the territory of the Zarafshan National Nature Park (Re- public of Uzbekistan). On the territory of 3.5 hectares, 10 sample plots of 15 m² each were laid out. The age and sex population structure, number and density of partial shoots in clones, degree and form of anthropogenic impact. The forms were identified based on 17 qualitative and quantitative morphological characteristics of vegetative (plant height (m), shape, density and type of crown, angle of departure of main skeletal branches, thorniness, length of thorns (cm), leaf color) and reproductive (degree of fruiting, number of fruits in the node (pcs.), length of the peduncle (mm), color, shape, length and width (mm), nature of separation, weight of 100 fruits (g)) of or- gans; organoleptic (taste) and biochemical (antioxidant activity) characteristics of fruits. It was established against the background of increasing anthropogenic impact, a decrease in the number and density of individuals in the population, incomplete age spectra with the absence of pregenerative (seedlings, juvenile, immature), generative (young and old generative) and senile fractions, a shift in the sexual structure towards the predominance of male individuals. A significant decrease in the diversity of H. rhamnoides forms is shown by a combination of the con- sidered qualitative and quantitative morphological features of vegetative and reproductive organs, organoleptic properties and antioxidant activity. The following forms are distinguished: tall (above 4 m) plants and medium- sized (2.7–3.5 m); with a crown from spreading to oval and conical; thornless to very thorny; fruit color from yel- low to red, shape - oval and cylindrical; taste from sour to sour-sweet and sour-sweet with bitterness; small-fruited and relatively large-fruited (weight 100 plov 12.9–13.7 g). Forms with relatively high antioxidant activity were identified, reducing the oxidation rate of the model substrate ethylbenzene by 2–4 times.
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