
现有关于国际公共物品的论述过度关注“公益”性质,相对忽视国家特别是核心国家作为供给主体的主动地位及其战略考量。事实上,核心国家在提供各种国际公共物品时已经考虑到他国“搭便车”的可能性,纳入对外供给与消费模式设计。中国关于“欢迎周边国家搭便车”的提法可以视为此类战略动向的最新回应。为此,有必要重新审视原有理论,理解“搭便车”行为的可能性与现实性,从“非纯公共物品”角度出发讨论国际公共物品的推动因素以及运作机制。作为新兴大国,中国应该明确战略重点,注重“供给”与“营销”相互配合,创设或创新具体形式,提高国际公共物品供给效率与精致程度。 The existing analysis of global public goods over-emphasizes the significance of public. Great power as a main provider has played an active role in these strategic initiatives, which may be ignored. In fact, main power has thought about the possible free-riders when providing public goods and making its foreign strategic plan. China’s announcement to “welcome the neighbouring countries to be a free-rider and benefit from China’s rise” is a good example. It is necessary to think about the theory of public goods and take another look at the free-riding phenomenon. The concept of impure public goods may be useful and effective when we understand the reason why global public goods are being provided and are relatively efficient. As an emerging power, China should have a clear strategy on global public goods with a possible “marketing” viewpoint, including more initiatives and specific measures, so that the global public goods provision may be more diverse and well-planned.

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