
In the conducted studies on sod-podzolic soils and ordinary chernozems, a change in the rate of transition of Ca, Md, Fe, K ions from the soil to H2O at temperatures of 0 and 20º, the interaction time of 1 day and 1 week was established. It is shown that the speed of the processes depends on the combination of temperature and duration of reactions, differs for individual soils, horizons and certain cations. The magnitude of the change in the rate of the processes under consideration does not fully correlate with the physico-chemical and thermodynamic patterns of changes in the mobility of ions in soils depending on humidity and temperature, which is associated with the simultaneous course of ion exchange reactions, complex formation, sedimentation. The necessity of studying the kinetics of processes occurring in the soil for a more correct assessment of the agroecological state of soils is proved. Keywords: KINETICS, SOIL, TEMPERATURE INFLUENCE, ION DESORPTION

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