
In December 2022, the Council of Experts was held. It purpose was to determine the place of virus-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (NMA) in the ethiotropic treatment of COVID-19 in vulnerable categories of patients. The main issues were identified and their solutions were proposed. At the first visit of pregnant women due to COVID-19, proactive identification of risk factors and early prescription of NMA are recommended, preferably – with published safety data in this category of patients (casirivimab + imdevimab). In patients with oncological and other chronic (rheumatology, pulmonology, gastroenterology) diseases, prophylactic use of NMA is recommended. regardless of the severity of the disease. For patients with chronic pathology regardless of the severity of the disease an early prescription of ethiotropic therapy must be provided, combating the long-term circulation of the virus. To solve the problem of late treatment prescription, it is necessary to: use rapid tests, prescribe NMA if indicated, even if the patient presents late, introduce digital technologies to transfer information about COVID-19 cases between healthcare institutions (HI), create call centers for primary triage of patients, daily hospitals to reduce the burden on the HI. The issue of NMA using related to changes in their activity against new variants of SARS-CoV-2 remains relevant. Among the proposed solutions are: priority of indications over information about the activity of NMA, the diversification of the choice of NMA in HI, taking into account clinical experience, indications for use and prognosis of NMA activity, the use of combined forms of NMA (for example, casirivimab + imdevimab) or a combination of NMA with other means of ethiotropic therapy. Key words: COVID-19, casirivimab/imdevimab, monoclonal antibodies, daily hospitals

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