
Japanese folk culture has long rendered traditions of oral storytelling very important. The article looks at the two main types of storytellers: the kataribe and the biwa hōshi. It aims to not only trace the transformation of the forms of storytelling, but also to analyze the changes in the perception of storytellers in the Japanese tradition. The author deems it important to study the activities and mythological perception of the ancient kataribe storytellers, as well as to look at the new type of storytellers, known as the biwa hōshi, who appeared in the Japanese culture in the 12th–13th centuries. They recited tales of battles and heroes of the old time to the accompaniment of biwa lutes. The article points out that in ancient times, storytellers were not just seen as regular performers. In the minds of people, they possessed special divine knowledge. However, their reputation changed in the Middle Ages with the appearance of stories linking the storytellers to otherworldly the forces and demons. People started seeing oral storytellers as mediums, and any musical instrument was thought to possess special powers. The role of storytellers went beyond that of simple performers. They became an important element of the Japanese concept of coexistence of people, gods, and demonic characters in the same world.


  • В истории японской литературы проблема устного сказительства занимает чрезвычайно важное место

  • The article looks at the two main types of storytellers: the kataribe and the biwa hōshi. It aims to trace the transformation of the forms of storytelling, and to analyze the changes in the perception of storytellers in the Japanese tradition. The author deems it important to study the activities and mythological perception of the ancient kataribe storytellers, as well as to look at the new type of storytellers, known as the biwa hōshi, who appeared in the Japanese culture in the 12th–13th centuries

  • In the minds of people, they possessed special divine knowledge. Their reputation changed in the Middle Ages with the appearance of stories linking the storytellers to otherworldly the forces and demons

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В истории японской литературы проблема устного сказительства занимает чрезвычайно важное место. The author deems it important to study the activities and mythological perception of the ancient kataribe storytellers, as well as to look at the new type of storytellers, known as the biwa hōshi, who appeared in the Japanese culture in the 12th–13th centuries. Однако литературный жанр гунки вырос из устных рассказов о воинских победах и поражениях, которые исполняли «новые» сказители Японии, известные как бива-хоси.

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