
For the first time, a study of the species composition of spiders of the Bykivnyan forest area, which is located within the eastern outskirts of the city of Kyiv and the southern borders of Chernihiv Polissia, was conducted. Vegetation layers and litter of pine and birch forests and psamophilous grass habitat were examined. 123 species of spiders belonging to 21 spider families have been identified. The most widely represented in the faunal assemblages are the family Linyphiidae – 28 species (22.8 % of the total number of species detected), Gnaphosidae – 17 (13.8 %) and Lycosidae – 15 species (12.2 %). Pardosa lugubris was the most massive species in the litter layer of the pine forest. The Lycosidae family is also the most widely represented in the litter layer, accounting for 41.8 % of the total number of specimens. The share of representatives of the Gnaphosidae and Linyphiidae families was 24.6 % and 12.5 %, respectively. Taking into account the literature data and the obtained results, the araneofauna of Chernihiv Polissia currently includes at least 389 species from 29 spider families. 26 species from 13 spider families were identified, which are indicated for the first time for Chernihiv Polissia, including 14 species from 8 spider families that are new to the territory of Ukrainian Polissia. For species new to the region, data on faunal material, period of time, place and the method of collection, ecological features and findings of these species on the territory of Ukrainian Polissia are given. Most of the species new to the Chernihiv Polissia have a wide range of distribution – 15 of them. There were species with European range type: Lepthyphantes minutus, Trichoncus affinis, Typhochrestus digitatus and Titanoeca spominima. The European-ancient Mediterranean habitat type is characteristic of 4 more species: Alopecosa cursor, Lathys humilis, Drassyllus praeficus and Ozyptila scabricula. European-Caucasian species: Asagena meridionalis and Gibbaranea gibbosa. With the Scythian type range of Alopecosa taeniopus. The fact of the coexistence of Pisaura novicia and P. mirabilis, which was previously described by other authors, was confirmed. Five species: Hahnia nava, Centromerus incilium, Sintula spiniger, Stemonyphantes lineatus and Trochosa terricola were found in all three types of biotopes investigated. The Jacquard index of faunal similarity showed a slight similarity of the species complexes of spiders of the pine forest and the psammophilic grassland habitat – 0.23, and the value of the Shannon index for both was identical – 4.277 bits, indicating a potentially high level of species richness of the spider fauna of the Bykivnian forest area.

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