
An article describes the practical aspects of studying polygonal modeling. To substantiate the topic's relevance, the author points out the importance of modernization in the education sphere. In particular, the using three-dimensional graphics and virtual and augmented reality technologies are one of the significant trends of today. That is why the studying of approaches to the creation and use of digital three-dimensional educational content is necessary for the training of future teachers and lecturers. The author considers the works of both Ukrainian and English-speaking researchers. His analysis of scientific research shows that scientists mainly describe the general issues of implementing 3D graphics, as well as VR and AR, in the educational process. However, they don't sufficiently reveal the topics that are related to the vital problematic moments of studying the process of creating 3D content. Usually, students master them very hard. These include polygonal three-dimensional modeling, animation, and rendering. That is why the author focuses his attention on one of such problematic points - the studying of polygonal modeling. In particular, he aimed to reveal practical aspects of learning based on the analysis of polygon modeling rules, which are directed at helping students to improve their skills in creating surfaces of virtual digital objects. In the main part of the article, the author notes the importance of observing the rules of high-quality construction of the polygon mesh on the object, which is modeled in the three-dimensional editor. Based on the analysis of the presented rules, he gives examples of educational tasks. They allow students to improve their skills in polygonal 3D modeling. The presented tasks can also be used by other teachers to create their system of practical tasks for studying 3D modeling. The article contains the necessary images of three-dimensional models that complement the text material. The models presented in the images are made in the freely distributed 3D graphics editor Blender. This choice is due to the fact that this program is used for teaching three-dimensional graphics both in the study of informatics in schools and institutions of higher and professional education. The conclusions summarize the presented material and point to further prospects for scientific research.

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