
Education with the use of information technology and computer mobile technology is becoming important in the lives of young people. Today students cannot imagine their lives without a mobile phone and the Internet. They are the first generation who need to grow up with the surrounding of high technologies. Mobile devices have introduced a new generation of educational tools that allow you to creatively use instant access to the riches of the Internet and media resources. These devices are relatively new tools in the pedagogical arsenal that have the ability to expand distance learning and increase the effectiveness of training of future professionals. On the one hand, teachers and students are very positive about these devices, on the other hand, there are obstacles that require their consideration and elimination. The introduction of mobile devices in the learning process of students is still at an early stage and requires the diagnosis of a set of problems that prevent systemic changes in their implementation. This article discusses the benefits and challenges and potential for the introduction of mobile devices in the learning process. The benefits of mobile learning are revolutionizing e-learning. The rapid spread of mobile devices is generating more and more awareness of the competitive advantages that arise from the application of modern technological advances to the creation of powerful learning-oriented technologies. It is important to remember that digital technologies should enhance learning goals and support the students’ learning with new opportunities. Educational institutions should take note of this and look for safe, productive ways to integrate mobile devices into the learning process. As new devices become more accessible and integrated with desktop computers and functions, this encourages further consideration of the study, which involves the diagnosis of empirical evaluation of the effectiveness of mobile learning in the educational process of the Higher education institution.

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