
The article provides an analysis of measures designed to counter anti-Russian sanctions. Countering sanctions is considered in the context of ensuring economic security. The article reveals decision making in the field of countering economic sanctions. It identifies the main directions of measures introduced to help the economy to adjust to the restrictions and to counter the threats posed by the new sanctions. Ensuring economic security in the context of sanctions is carried out at two levels: national and subnational. The framework and main directions of the respective policy are determined at the national level. The president of Russia determines the guidelines of the internal and foreign policies of the state, issues decrees and orders defining the particularities of a policy. The Government and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation implement policies determined by the president and generally influence economic security of the country. Thus, when the new sanctions were imposed, the president issued several orders designed to support certain sectors of the economy and strengthen the economic sovereignty and also defined new priorities for foreign economic cooperation – The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Asia, Africa and Latin America. At the subnational level, regional authorities determine more specific policies within the framework formed at the national level. The common directions of measures designed to counter the sanctions at the regional level were the following: import substitution, stimulation of export activity, formation of new logistics chains, enhancement of cooperation between Russian regions, development of some other directions for foreign trade, formation of a more attractive investment climate. However, the set of tools and resources regional authorities used more actively in the context of countering the new sanctions differs from region to region.

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