
Nowdays historical science is increasingly referring to problems that have not previously come to the attention of authors. At the same time, researchers in their works try to rely on interdisciplinary methodological practices that have come to us relatively recently (micro- and macrohistorical analyzes, mathematical research methods, the study of the history of everyday life, mentality, etc.). Among the issues that are currently receiving the attention of representatives of the humanitarian fields of knowledge, we can single out the topic of service and of a person who was in these realities. Therefore, in the article have been made analyze of the historiography of the topic of Soviet service in the period from the early 1960s to the early 1990s. We have studied the works of both domestic and foreign authors. They paid special attention to such aspects as the culture of serving the population in the realities of the transition to a "consumer" society, the role of the individual and the collective in these conditions, the emergence of new forms of service, the economy of the service sector, the formation of a mental differnces between the service sector and the household service, etc. etc. Much more often, authors began to address the local aspect of the topic. In addition to the above, it can be concluded that the researchers paid special attention to areas such as utilities, restaurants and hotels, but the least covered was the issue of hairdressing. This conclusion can serve as a basis for the development of new topics in the regional context of Krasnoyarsk and Krasnoyarsk Region.

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