
The phenomenon of Mukbang, which stands for “eating broadcast,” has gained significant popularity worldwide due to advancements in internet technology and the widespread adoption of social media platforms. This study aims to understand the overall trends and evolution of the Mukbang phenomenon by analyzing 70,495 articles from 104 sources in the BIGKinds database (2012-2023). The results indicate that Mukbang has evolved from an internet broadcast to a global cultural phenomenon. Initially, Mukbang started as a communication style centered around popular Broadcast Jockeys (BJs) and became mainstream with the participation of celebrities, playing a crucial role in expanding the global influence of Korean culture through various platforms. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Mukbang’s popularity grew even more due to increased online activity and interest in K-food. Furthermore, the inclusion of Mukbang in the Collins and Oxford dictionaries confirms the global influence of Korean Mukbang culture. Over time, Mukbang has undergone various changes, with new trends emerging, such as a shift from shows focused on binge eating to those centered on restrained eating. Throughout this process, Mukbang has played an important role in promoting Korean culture globally and has contributed to forming a new cultural identity. Consequently, the findings of this research are expected to provide direction for future Mukbang consumption patterns, offer useful guidelines for content creators, and contribute to further expanding the global influence of K-food.

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