
 The purpose of this study is to find out the factors that affect housing prices in Jinan City in China and to explore the degree of influence of each factor on prices. By reflecting on the changes in the Jinan housing market, such as the changes in the primary school system in 2021 and the construction of the subway, we intend to provide an opportunity to understand the factors of Jinan City's housing prices in more detail.
 The subject of the study is used ordinary houses in Jinan City. Data traded from 2015 to 2021 were collected for Li Xia-gu, Sujung-gu, Tianqiao-gu, Huayin-gu, and Li Cheong-gu, and analyzed using the quantile regression model.
 From now on, many improvements are required concerning the appraisal legislation of real estate. Also, several wrong provisions should be revised correctly.
 Especially, a latest revised law of related post let these wrong provisions alone or worse in several parts. In the future, related provisions must be revised clearly and logically involving fundamental definition, dominating definition, appraisal method and appraisal technique etc.

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