
In modern Chinese, adverbs are not easy to grasp because there are many types of adverbs and the meanings and uses of each word are different. In addition, the problem of adverb False Facts(虛實) is still an unresolved issue. Therefore, in this paper, the meaning and usage of degree adverb ‘很’, ‘極’ were examined based on diachronic consideration and syntactic position. ‘很’ and ‘極’ are placed in front of the predicate in a sentence and play the role of adverbs, or they are positioned after the predicate and act of complements. Adverbs, as adverbial words in sentences, mainly acting the role of 'modification'. This is to decorate another word with a practical meaning, not a syntactic function. Also, the complement is a sentence component that supplements the meaning of the predicate. Supplementation is possible only when the word itself has a practical meaning. Therefore, '很' and '極' still have practical meanings. In addition, adverbs can be used consecutively, and some adverbs directly modify nouns, quantifiers, and temporal adverbs. There are also adverbs that can be used alone in context or conversation. However, according to the above, it cannot be denied that adverbs have practical meanings, so it is difficult to assert that they are parts of speech that are completely vain and only serve a grammatical function. Therefore, in this paper, adverbs are judged as substantial words(實詞).

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