
WangWei(王維) sometimes titled the Poet Buddha, was poet, musician, painter and statesman. He composed a great classical poem in the creation of modern style poetry in the The glorious age of Tang Dynasty. He is best known for his quatrains depicting quiet scenes of water and mist, with Five-character regulated verse(五言律詩).BR This article takes 21 Seven-character regulated verse as research objects which is divided into four period. Each Seven-character regulated verse has a more detailed analysis of art of composition(章法) and rules and forms of classical poem(格律). WangWei’s Seven-character regulated verse has three types of art of composition. Two types of poetic concept be weell arranged in the third couplet in metrical verse with the surface structure(表層構造) and The deep structural belt(深層構造).BR WangWei’s Seven-character regulated verse keeps strictly rules and forms of classical poem of tonal rule, rhyming, couplet. Even though there are some inharmonious part in the tonal rule, but He follow general idea at that period. Also the rhyme was precise and comply with an even tone, he equally use oblique tone(仄起) and equal tone(平起) in the second Rhyme. In the case of the couplet, most cases were used in the second and third couplet. WangWei’s Seven-character regulated verse was succeeded to another great poet DuFu(杜甫). DuFu stand on the basis of WangWei’s art of composition and forms of classical poem, completed style of the Seven-character regulated verse.

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