
Features of territorial development of Russia in determining the opportunities and limitations of spatial development suggest that the same parameter characteristics of the area can be a factor of development, and a mechanism that limits the realization of the potential of the individual regions of the country. Of course, the development of conceptual frameworks of spatial development should take into account these features. The aim of the article is to consider basic definitions of the factors that shape the opportunities and limitations of spatial development of the Russian Federation. The article defines the basic factors shaping the capabilities and limitations of spatial development of the Russian Federation. By the possibilities of spatial development of Russia include: cost-effective transit situation in the country; considerable industrial potential of the country, implemented not only by the mineral resource base; availability of rail and highways included in the international transport corridors; high scientific, innovative and educational potential; created conditions for the development of regional innovation clusters and increase their role, both in the national and regional economy, etc. Limitations of the spatial development of Russia are: narrow, primarily raw materials specialization of the country in global and regional division of labor; single-industry economy of most regions, improperly formed structure and the continued disintegration of the economy; the presence of factors that significantly reduce productivity and increase the riskiness of agricultural production; the state of the transport network, does not meet current transit capacity of the country´s economy, competition from neighboring countries in the development of trans-Eurasian latitude of international transport corridors; significant regional disparities, etc.

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