
Modern sport is a competitive environment where the bar for the athletes in every aspect of the training is set very high. Psychological preparation of an athlete, along with other types of training, is one of the most important factors in the training process that demands a close attention and should be included in the annual training plan. Ski racing specifics influence the psychologic part of the training process in its own way. The athlete prepares to cope not only with the objective obstacles mostly depending on the weather conditions during the competitions, but with the challenges of a subjective nature due to a human factor. The latter is particularly important during the period of competitions and at the stage immediately preceding the competition. The process of psychological training should be aimed at the adaptation to the process of competitions. The optimal level of arousal and emotional agitation – mental readiness – directly affects the ski racing sport results. Modeling the competitive situation during a training process is a method of reaching that optimal state. The author explores the general and special psychological training methods, discusses the tasks and conditions for their implementation, and highlights the stages of special training.

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