
The article is devoted to the problem of describing the language personality of a modern Russian teacher. The authors analyze the phenomenon under study from three perspectives: linguaecological, lingua-cultural, and psycholinguistic. The appeal to the lingua-cultural and psycholinguistic description of the linguistic personality of a modern Russian teacher reflects the search for answers to important challenges of our time, among which one of the key places is occupied by a distinct violation of the ecology of communication in the communicative space of Russia, where the most important institutions are at the epicenter of events: education and science. Over the past decade, systemic failures have been observed in the academic communicative space, leading to a shift in the lingua-ecological balance not only in academic discourse, but also taking root in all other types of social communication. This is explained by the fact that the academic discursive space, first of all, the space of a comprehensive school, is an environment in which the basic skills of subsequent social communication are formed. The authors emphasize that significant changes in Russian education (both in its content and in its structure and form) signal a difficult historical period, which cannot but negatively affect the psychological state of Russian teachers. The article analyzes the results of a field study conducted by the authors in 2018 among students of Ufa universities in order to identify relevant information about the school period of study. Within the framework of this study, both positive and negative traits of a school teacher, the ratio of the parameters of intellectual excitement and interpersonal rapport were identified. The complex of identified problems associated with the shift of the ecological balance in the system of academic discourse requires a thorough search for a scientifically sound and consistent with the dominant concepts of Russian culture concept of ecologization of the communicative space of education. The authors come to the conclusion that over the past few decades there have been noticeable changes in the psycholinguistic state of the modern Russian teacher. There is an increased level of anxiety and pessimism, conflict situations began to arise more often. There are more and more examples of destructive speech communication on the part of a teacher.

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