The objective of the article is to study persuasion in the digital public diplomatic discourse. Discursive, semantic, syntactic, and stylistic analyses have been employed to carry out the research of the persuasive component. The methods of pragmalinguistics have been used to establish implicit meanings in diplomatic communication. As a result of the study, the definition of digital public diplomacy as a communicative phenomenon implemented by using web as well as information and communication technologies has been given. The pragmatic intentions of digital public discourse have been established, including the presentation of the official position and the state image making in the Internet. Digital public diplomacy or twiplomacy helps to make international activities open and accessible to the public, as well as to persuade them. In particular, the explicit and implicit language means of persuasive influence used by the current US President Donald Trump on his Twitter page to form the country’s foreign policy while taking into account the interests of American voters are analyzed in detail. Among lexical persuasive means loaded vocabulary and clichés, phrasal verbs and colloquialisms should be mentioned. They give special tone to presidential tweets reproducing Trump’s emotional and straightforward style. The use of grammatical means of persuasion (the superlative degree of comparison of adjectives and adverbs, intensifiers, exclamatory sentences) helps to express Donald Trump’s hyperbolic and categorical evaluation of events. At the same time, the American president practically does not use stylistic means, except for some epithets, dead metaphors, repetitions and assonance. The obtained results contribute to further scientific development of the problem of persuasive communication, in particular, in digital diplomacy.
Persuasive component of digital public diplomacy The objective of the article is to study persuasion in the digital public diplomatic discourse
Discursive, semantic, syntactic, and stylistic analyses have been employed to carry out the research of the persuasive component
As a result of the study, the definition of digital public diplomacy as a communicative phenomenon implemented by using web as well as information and communication technologies has been given
Persuasive component of digital public diplomacy The objective of the article is to study persuasion in the digital public diplomatic discourse. На відміну від традиційної публічної дипломатії, до якої відносять інформаційну пропаганду за допомогою засобів мас медіа; надання освіти населенню, проведення виставок для розповсюдження та просування політичної культури, цифрова дипломатія передбачає,насамперед, поширення друкованої та аудіовізуальної інформації у мережі інтернет, відслідковування блогів зарубіжних країн; створення сторінок державних установ, посольств та інших організацій, а також персоніфікованих сторінок членів уряду, послів у соціальних мережах; розсилку інформації через мобільні телефони тощо (Trophymenko, Balabanov,2013).
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