
To solve urgent problems of information support for business entities, authorities, regulatory and supervisory bodies, to assess the ecological and economic situation of territories, thematic cartographic works are developed, created, studied and used. Thematic mapping aims to identify the patterns of spatial distribution of thematic features of objects and use them in the preparation of maps, schematic maps. To create thematic environmental and economic maps for various natural resources, in particular for land, indicators are selected from various sources, calculated indicators, indicators are formed (based on the developed formulas, scores, coefficients). The compiled maps have a theoretical or practical purpose of their use, purpose. As a result of the study, ecological and economic maps of the Ural and Siberian districts were compiled for land resources. These maps are intended for the analysis and assessment of the use of natural resources by authorities, supervisory authorities, and the public. In addition, further research will be based on them; methods and techniques for their development will be improved. The scientific and practical significance of ecological-economic maps determine the need for their creation to solve the problems of rational nature management, improve the quality of the natural environment, forecast the further development of the territory, etc.

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