
The article considers the current state and prospects of ship repair production in Murmansk, taking into account the development strategy of the shipbuilding industry up to 2035. There has been given a retrospective of the Murmansk shipyard functioning and of the general picture of production processes mechanization. The outline of the ship repair plants operation in the city of Murmansk and in the Murmansk region has been given. There are listed the regional enterprises capable of performing a full range of works including docking: Shipyard Nerpa, Shipyard No.10, JSC, branch of the Shipyard No.35 a Ship Repair Center Zvezdochka, JSC, Atomflot, FSUE and in some cases Murmansk Ship Repair Company, JSC. The special features of ship repair have been considered. It has been stated that that the rate of ship repair significantly depends on the organization of repair and production. Special attention is paid to the quality of repair, which is the most important indicator of the work of ship repair production. It has been recommended to focus on quality problems. Analysis of the ship repair production indicates that information service and technological control are the indispensable conditions for the normal course of production. Insufficient attention to the information part of the production process, despite the continuous improvement of the repair technology, leads to the actual losses and unexercised opportunities. It has been inferred that the course on technical re-equipment of ship repair production, its overall automation and mechanization is the main means to achieve the high labor productivity in the near future.


  • There has been given a retrospective of the Murmansk shipyard functioning

  • that that the rate of ship repair significantly depends on the organization of repair and production

  • Special attention is paid to the quality of repair

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В основу создания производственного объединения «Мурманская судоверфь» была положена необходимость концентрации судоремонтного производства в Северном бассейне в интересах ускоренного наращивания и использования производственных мощностей, создания благоприятных условий для сокращения нормативных сроков ремонта судов рыбопромыслового флота и достижения лучших показателей эффективности производства. Включая докование, могут выполнить только 5 предприятий: судоремонтный завод «Нерпа», АО «10 судоремонтный завод», филиал «35 судоремонтный завод» АО «Центр судоремонта «Звездочка», ФГУП «Атомфлот» и (для небольших судов) АО «Мурманская судоремонтная компания».

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