
The monograph is based on materials of the study and other information on the fishing industry of the Northern Fishing Basin. Fishing companies as well as coastal ship repair enterprises of the Murmansk region, jointly providing fishing activities became cases of the study. The book presents outcomes of the evaluation of fish resources of the Northern Fishing Basin, and international practices of governmental nature resource management, evaluates legislative framework of the fishing sector of Russia, proposes measures to improve economic efficiency the fishing sector in the Northern Basin. Currently, when implementing programs of fishing fleet building under the sanction pressure on the Russian Federation, the issue of providing fishing with ship repair services becomes relevant. Therefore, analysis of ship repair businesses of the Murmansk region with identification of conceptual options for their innovative development is aimed at fishing efficiency improvement in any sea-side region involved in marine resource management. The authors believe that integration processes among all fishing business structures as well as change in business conditions for entrepreneurial entities are one of the directions to improve economic efficiency of the fishing industry in the Northern Basin. According to the authors, integration processes within organizational transformations (clusters, alliances) of the fishing sector should precede digital transformation as part of a comprehensive approach to an information product development. Based on the study, the authors propose conceptual approaches to innovation development of private ship repair businesses in the Murmansk region, using their close integration with shipbuilding companies producing fishing vessels as well as participation in import substitution programs for the fishing fleet. The proposed innovation development directions for entrepreneurial structures involved in fishing, using the digitalization and import substitution program might be of interest to authorities of sea-side regions of the Russian Federation, managers and specialists of entrepreneurial structures operating in the fishing industry, scientific supervisors and students studying the specificity of innovation development of regional economic entities.

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