
The problems of judicial enforcement are considered in the article. It is emphasized that judicial enforcement is a legal form of state functions implementation. The need to study this legal category is emphasized. This need is related to the harmonization of legislation with international standards, judicial reform, and increased protection of human rights. Different points of view of legal scholars concerning judicial enforcement are investigated. It is concluded that the judicial application of the law is based on the rules of positive law. A judge may not refuse to hear a case due to gaps in the law. Judicial enforcement is associated not only with the application of the law, but also with their interpretation, and sometimes lawmaking. On the one hand, the judiciary is a manifestation of power, and on the other it is the most rational and effective form of control over the activities of state power. It is stated in the article that justice, as a court activity carried out in the form of civil, administrative, criminal, economic and constitutional proceedings, takes place in the procedural forms established by law. Law enforcement activity of the court is a long, complex and systematic process. It has a specific purpose, that is a clearly defined value, which includes recognition of a person, their life, health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security. It is stated that law enforcement cannot be carried out beyond the principles of law, as they go through all the rules of law and are the basis of the legal system. The components of the rule of law are recognized by the international community. In particular, they are: – the right to appeal against the actions of public authorities; – free assessment by the court of the circumstances of the case; – independence and impartiality of judges; – independent judicial procedure, which covers fairness, openness, reasonable time for consideration of the case, availability of legal aid; – binding nature of court decisions. In order to ensure the proper judicial system functioning, it is proposed to amend the current legislation in the process of judicial reform. The conclusions to the article stipulate that the court performs both law enforcement and law-making functions. The essence of the administration of justice and judicial activity is reduced to the application of law. In the process of administering justice, the judiciary acts in clearly defined procedural forms. Judicial power, as a subject of constitutional regulation, is exercised precisely in justice, and justice is administered and administered by the court through judicial enforcement. Key words: judicial enforcement, justice, judicial activity, judicial power, judicial proceedings, judicial lawmaking.

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